
Welcome to the website dedicated to open microscopy! Our team is composed of soon-to-be experts in the field of microscopy and image analysis who are passionate about making this technology more accessible to students, researchers and scientists around the world.

This project emerged as a graduate project in the course of the Open Life Science community.

We, that is Ran Huo and Moritz Engelhardt, are both graduate students in the lab of Kristin Grussmayer at TU Delft. Both of us are passionate about open-science and benefited immensely from the information other labs provided online. We want to show our gratitude and encourage other labs to follow this community effort and contribute to make science more accessible and reproducible, in order to advance life-science research. We hope that this website will serve as a valuable resource for those interested.

If you want to contribute, please consider reaching out to us, comment on the page you are interested in or issue a pull request for the website.

Thank you!

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