Arti Tyagi


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I joined the KG group at the Department of Bionanosciences as a postdoc in April 2023. I have a bachelor’s in biotechnology, and I finished my PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in the area of applied optics. During my doctoral work, I worked developing imaging-based methods for various point-of-care biological applications. This was the time I entered and fell in love with the world of microscopy, especially fluorescence microscopy. Towards the end of my thesis work, I joined a startup in India where I had the chance to build different digital automated microscopy setups and that fascinated me all the more. The Grußmayer group has been working with some really fun super resolution techniques and ideas, and my work here will be to study the DNA repair process using single molecule localization microscopy in collaboration with Maarten Paul from Roland Kanaar Lab at Erasmus MC. Additionally, I also have experience working with microRNAs, nanoparticles (synthesis and applications), mammalian and bacterial cells.

Research themes with our lab

Publications with our group

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