
Max is a open-source dual-color TIRF microscope with a high-power laser combiner. Why is it called Max? Because the first microscope at KG lab has the nickname of Willy/prism, a reference to the Dutch monarch family.

The laser box is composed of four lines, three of which are multimode diode lasers (405 nm, 488 nm, 638 nm), and one DPSS laser (561 nm). To increase the power at 638 nm, we employed two lasers that are combined with a polarisation beam splitter (PBS). The laser beams are delivered through a multimode optical fiber agitated to reduce the speckles. A motorised motor facilitates the switch between epi, HILO and TIRF. For the main frame, we adapted the Micube to hold our sample stage and high NA objective.

We use micro-manager 1.4 gamma for the image acquisition and control of most hardwares except the lasers. The lasers are modulated via an Arduino and Digital-analog converter (DAC), and controlled by customised script.

Max is inspired greatly by K2 TIRF at Ganzinger lab, the LaserEngine at Ries lab, and this flat-field illumination implementation. We thank the Open Life Science program that helped us with the documentation of this project.

You could find the CAD model of the system (laser box and the main body), as well as the laser control (wiring and scriptis) at TBD


Max setup schematic
max setup schematic

Laser Box

laserbox 3d laserbox 3d

The laser box is contained within a 450*450 mm breadboard (MB4545/M) with enclosure. All lasers are raised up to 70(?) mm height with customised aluminum heat sink.

Model numbers are for Thorlabs unless specified otherwise.

idTitleDescriptionImageSupplier, ModelCost in €
1Diode lasers 405 nm500 mW, with driver
Diode laser and driver
Lasertack, LAB-405-500687
2Diode lasers 488 nm2000 mW, with driverLasertack, LAB-488-10003310
3Diode lasers 638 nm, 2x. One is oriented perpendicular to the other2x1000 mW, with driversLasertack, LAB-638-1000866
4DPSS lasers 561 nm1000 mW, with analog modulation(0-5V)CNI laser, MGL-FN-56111150
5Dichroics1" longpass dichroic mirros to combine the laser linesThorlabs, DMLP425/505/550/605708
6PBS1" polarisation beam spliter, mounted by KM100PM/M and PM4/M, in order to combine two 638 nm lasers
Thorlabs, PBS251315
7Fiber launcherA 1/2" 19mm ach. doublet (AC127-019-A) to focus the combined beam into the fiber. Mounted in 1" tubale lens tube (SM05V10, SM1A6, SM1M15, SM1TC), FC/PC adaptor(SM1FC)
Fiber launcher
8Multimode fiber70*70 um square profiled MM optical fiber, NA=0.22Ceram Optec, Customized350
9Vibrational motor9000 RPM vibrational motors that are taped onto the optical fiber to break down the speckles in the output beam profile
Vibrational motor
Vibrational motor mounting

Laser box control

Since all lasers in the laser box take 0-5V analog signal as instensity modulation signal, we used DAC chips and Arduino UNO to control the laser lines. You could found the scripts run on Arduino IDE, where simple interactive control is realized by serial communication between the PC and Arduino UNO. The wiring between the Arduino, DACs, and the laser drivers is a prototype on breadboard, and has been running in KG lab. Interlock and laser safety measures should be implemented in any circumstance.


idTitleDescriptionImageSupplier, ModelCost in €
1Fiber adaptorCouple out the beam at the output of the optical fiber mounted on cage plate (CP33/M)Thorlabs, SM1FC30
2Laser collimatorA 30 mm achromatic doublet to collimate the beam at the output of the optical fiber. Mounted in 1" cage after the fiber adaptor
Laser collimator
Thorlabs, AC254-030-A85
3Laser cleanup filterFilter out the autofluorescence from the MMFChroma, ZET 405/488/561/640xv2575
4TIRF stage1D motorised stage scanning the laser beam across the back focal plane(BFP) of the objective
TIRF stage assembly
Thorlabs, KMTS25E/M1500
5TIRF lens150 mm achromatic doublets to focus the beam onto the BFP of the objective, mounted on CXY1AEdmund Optics, 147-643283
6Elliptical mirrorMounted on KCB1E/M and assembled with the TIRF lens on the TIRF stageThorlabs, BBE1-E0270

Microscope Body

idTitleDescriptionImageSupplier, ModelCost in €
1Modified MiCubeAdapted from MiCube. Reduced in size to accommodate 150 mm focusing lens
in-house CNC milled1700
2XYZ stageNano precision sample stageSmaract, CLS525214000
3ObjectiveOil immersion objective, NA = 1,5. Mounted on the micube with M27 to RMS adaptor (RMSA3)Olympus, UPLAPO60XOHR12400
4Quad-band dichroicDichroic mirror under the objective, mounted on DFM1/M and fixed on the micube with screws on the backChroma, zt405/488/561/640rpc575
5Elliptical mirrorMounted under the dichroic mirror with KCB1E/M and C4W-CC
QUad-band dichroic and mirror mounted inside of Micube
THorlabs, BBE1-E0265
6Sample holderHome-made slide holder, mounted onto the stageIn-house CNC milled\


We adapt the detection scheme in K2 TIRF at Ganzinger lab for our dual channel detection.
idTitleDescriptionImageSupplier, ModelCost in €
1Tube lens180 mm tube lens compatible with Olympus objectivesThorlabs, TTL180-A686
2Notch filterFilter out the excitation laser beamChroma, ZET405/488/561/640m-TRFv21000
3SlitSemi rectangular slit adjustable from two directions, cropping the image to fit in a single channel on camera. Alternative could be Owis SP60
Recycled from MadCityLab RM21
44f lensesThree 300 mm achromatic doublet mounted on LMR1/M
Two channle 4F system
Qioptiq, G32 2336 322300
5Dichroic mirrorLong-pass dichroic splits image into red and green channels, glued on compact KMS/M with picodent TwinsilChroma, ZT640rdc-UF3450
6Square mirrorReflects the green channel with maxium surface, mounted on compact KMS/MThorlabs, BBSQ1-E0274
7Emission filtersBand-pass filters in the red and green channels respectivelyAHF, ET685/70, ET595/50650
8CamerasCMOS cameraTeledyne Prime BSI Express10800